HINDUSTAN VICHAR - Sports- Cricket News

First match of the week long Inter College Cricket Tournament which kicked off on 10th March was played today (11th March2013) between All Saints’ and Gyan Ganga at All Saints’ Cricket Ground. Gyan Ganga batting first set a target of 98 runs for All Saints’. Garvesh was a top scorer scoreing 19 runs and Rehan scored 17 runs. On All saints’ side Anand took three wickets and Adish & Usman took 2 wickets each. Batting second Samad Khan scored 40 runs and remained not out and virtually won the match single handed. He was adjudged Man of the Match. Shri Majid Raza Khan Chief guest for the match today handed over the trophy to the player of the match Samad Khan. On this occasion Dr Zafar Mehdi Director, A.H. Saify Principal, Dr. Ahmed Ali Khan Dean Academics and G.K. Bammi Head Training & Placement were present.



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