Sports News - T-20 Cricket Tournament

Saints’T-20 Cricket Tournament

(UIT and Sistech march ahead to the next round of the tournament)

Second and Third match of the week long Inter College Cricket Tournament which kicked off on 10th March was played today (12th March2013) between UIT and Truba Engineering College at All Saints’ Cricket Ground.  In the first match UIT batting first set a target of  136 runs for  Truba. Piyush was the top scorer scoreing 36 runs and Sachin  scored 18runs. Rajkumar of Truba took Five wickets. Batting second Truba scored 106 runs against some tight bowling by UIT bowlers. Piyush of UIT took Four wickets which included hattrick and was declared player of the match.
In the second match played today between SISTECH and SHRI Institute. Sistech batting first set a tough target of 152 runs. This was made possible by very good start by the openers Arpit and Manish who scored 31 runs each. Nishant scored 18 runs and brought solidarity in a middle order. Rahul took 3 wickets and rakesh two wickets. Batting second SHRI team had tough time against very tight and aquarate bowling from Sistech bowlers. Suhas took five wickets while shubham three wickets. SHRI were all out for 89 runs.
Md. Tariq Chief guest and Sport promoter handed over the trophies to the player of the match Piyush of UIT and Suhas of SISTECH. On this occasion Dr Zafar Mehdi Director, A.H. Saify Principal, Dr. Ahmed Ali Khan Dean Academics and G.K. Bammi Head Training & Placement were present.
Tomorrows matches will be played between BANSAL and LNCT followed by match between RGPM and CRESENT 


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