HINDUSTAN VICHAR - Bhopal Sports News Section - Inter College Cricket Tournament

Inter College Cricket Tournament

An annual week long Inter College Cricket Tournament kicked off at the newly laid turfof All Saints’ College of Technology cricket ground Bhopal on Sunday the 10th March 2013. Matches will be conducted in accordance with International T-20 format.

The tournament was inaugurated by Honourable SHRI ARIF AQEEL President BDCA, MaharajkumarAnureshwarSinghdev Chairman BDCA, ShriAnwar Mohammad Khan and Nasir Islam Vice President BDCA, JunaidKidwai Secretary BDCA & other Senior Officials from Bhopal Cricket Association.On this occasion Smt. Kaiser Zaman, Chairperson Kurwai Education Society welcomed the guest. Mementos were presented.
The tournament was officially inaugurated by honourableShriArifAqeel by hitting few strokes before distinguished guest, students and faculty members. This enhanced festive mood to the tournament.

The inauguration ceremony was followed by festival match between teams from LNCT and UIT College Bhopal which was keenly watched.
The match was won by LNCT.



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