WIAA (Western India Automobile Association)

WIAA (Western India Automobile Association)

A Grand Welcome for the President of FIA, who drives Road Safety Globally

FIA (Federation of Internationale d'l Automobile) is the governing body of Road Safety and  Motorsports worldwide. In Western India the awareness on Road Safety is driven by WIAA(Western India Automobile Association) . This makes WIAA a small leaflet of the big tree to contribute its every little bit to reduce loss of lives caused by road accidents.

With the support of FIA, WIAA has successfully carried out 24th Road Safety Week in Jan 2013.  Further to the Road Safety Week 2013, Mr. Nitin Dossa had mentioned about the iRap Van for surveying accident prone roads and identify the black spots to urge Ministry of surface & transport to take adequate action & bring help at these spots to to save more and more lives. 

Road accidents need equal attention from a pedestrian point of view and a driver point of view. But in the past there have been more loss of life due to lack of safety on two wheeler and that too for the pillion. Helmet is always assumed to be worn by the person driving the two wheeler, however the safety of pillion and child on board is ignored. WIAA has taken on itself to focus on this issue. With the support from FIA, WIAA has sourced helmet for kids and will be distributing it to the schools in South Mumbai in presence and kind hands of MR. Jean Todt & H. H. Prince Michel of Kent.

The purpose of Mr. Todt's visit to India is to review and support personally on Road safety related  issues faced by WIAA. During his stay He will be escorted by the Executive Chairman,WIAA Mr. Nitin Dossa and President WIAA Mr. Edil Katrak and to meet various state and transport authorities to discuss the cause and cure for Road accidents in Maharashtra and Gujarat.

Starting with a positive note and hoping to conclude the efforts to create widespread awareness & save more lives.

We always have a choice to a safe journey.


Automobile News Section

  Website/Blog: www.hindustanvichar.blogspot.in


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