Bhopal Divisional Cricket Association

After the Final Selection Trials at Indore, five Bhopal Divisional Players of Under-16 age group have been selected by MPCA for the conditioning Camp informed Shri Juned Kidwai, Hon. Secretary BDCA.

Players selected for the category of under-16 are : Mann Dubey,  Atul Kushwaha,  Rahul Batham,  Shahrib Khan  and Pranjal Agarwal.
According to Shri Juned Kidwai. The MPCA authorities informed that the  Camp will be held at Holkar Stadium, Indore  from 6th May  to 6th June 2013.  Selected players are requested to report to Shri Sameer  Naik  Asstt. Coach of MPCA Academy on 5th May 2013 at Holkar Stadium.


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