Special Thanks To Mr. Nitin Dossa President Vintage & Classic Car Club of India For His Efforts

As winter  start to swathe the city, in its mild hues of coldness in the weather and more people gearing up for more and more outdoor activities, it’s time we at Vintage Cars Club of India (VCCCI) gear up for some of those some of classic showcase of elegance through our array of events.

The list is an un-ending one, of rallies of Vintage Classics, to be conducted criss-crossing the Western part of the sub-continent, with trailing traces even in the capital of erstwhile government of colonized India- Kolkata. We are stretching our extent across.
Chancing this opportunity, when social media is another world connecting millions of people in seconds, we are elated and proud to modernize the word ‘Vintage’, with our presence in the social media, which they think is only the young’s cup of tea. With that, we are lined up to come up with more and more far-fetched ideas on our page in this forum, so as to take you by surprises.

Curious, as to what??? Here on this page, we will be coming up with some of the interesting pictures, incidents, know-about and know-how, historical relevance of vintage classic cars to the blue-blood royals of our country, on a regular basis, which we are sure to be a stress-buster for all of you, who fantasize cars and are troubled by the metro-city traffics at the same time.

Many mores will be waiting for you all on this page; in turn we would love to learn your experiences with vintage cars if any in this forum. Together, we may relive those eras, in which brands like Rolls Royce, Packard and many others claimed to have made the biggest sale in India. We look forward to have more and more participation from your end.Join us here on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VCCCI?ref=hl 


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