Mr. Nitin Dossa (Executive Chairman WIAA) - Drawing-cum-Slogan Competition

 Drawing-cum-Slogan Competition

Mr. Nitin Dossa (Executive Chairman WIAA)

Western India Automobile Association (WIAA) in co-ordination with Mumbai Traffic Police, Regional Transport Authority, and Mumbai Police has organized a DRAWING-CUM-SLOGAN COMPETITION on Road Safety, on Saturday January 25 2014 at 9.00 a.m. for School Going Children at the Childrens Traffic Park, Cooperage, Opposite Campion School, Colaba, Mumbai (Maharashtra)

The Competition is aimed to develop Road Sense and Safety Awareness amongst the School Children. Three groups have been identified, children upto the age of 12, above 12, and one Special Category of handicapped children.

There will be attractive prizes in each category. Snacks, Tea and Coffee would be served after the function. Dr. Satyapal Singh, IPS Commissioner of Police, Mumbai will the Chief Guest for the function.


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