Comedy star Phil Nichol to Mumbai (Stand-Up Comedy alongside Indian comics)

Comedy star Phil Nichol to Mumbai (Stand-Up Comedy alongside Indian comics)

The Comedy Store brings celebrated international comedy star Phil Nichol to Mumbai to perform in Best in Stand-Up Comedy alongside Indian comics Kunal Rao, Kenneth Sebastian & Neville Shah. 

Having watched him about 2 years back when he performed last for The Comedy Store in Mumbai, I can safely say that few performers are as energetic as Phil with such a vibrant penchant for musical comedy.

Phil Nichol (CAN)

Phil Nichol
If.comeddie 2006 Comedy Award Winner.

Canadian Phil Nichol's uproarious showstopper performed in a variety of pop styles, has had audiences at the Comedy Store screaming with laughter. He has been described as having "the face of an angel, the tongue of a whore and the energy of a toddler on an Irn Bru binge". Only the sturdiest of hecklers would attempt to upstage him – you have been warned.

Please find below some links to know more about Phil:

A hilarious video of Phil in his inimitable style doing some awesome stand-up (I know it will be tough to believe but the man is not on crack, this is just him on stage):

PFB details on the shows featuring Phil. Would you wish to interview him? In case your listing team is able to list the show or if the interview does work out, please ensure The Comedy Store is mentioned in the same.

1) Name: The Comedy Store's Best in Stand-up Comedy

Synopsis: The comedy brand’s popular show "Best in Stand-Up Comedy" features some of the country’s best comics who bring their accomplished repertoire of making audiences laugh out loud through their uproarious brand of humor. Since the past three years, The Comedy Store has been your one way ticket to some rib-tickling laughs and it continues to propagate the culture of stand-up true to their tradition! Don't miss this for anything!

Performer: Phil Nichol, Kunal Rao & Neville Shah 

Date:  13th December, 2013 | Time: 8.30 pm

Performer: Phil Nichol, Kunal Rao & Kenneth Sebastian

Date:  15th December, 2013 | Time: 8.30 pm

Venue: The Comedy Store at blueFROG, Mumbai

Entry: Tickets available at the Venue & also on Book My Show
For further details please contactBook My Show - 022-39895050


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