BMS to observe PENSION DAY on 1st August, 2012.

BMS to observe PENSION DAY on 1st August, 2012.

       Pension has become the prime problem for all categories of workers/employees.  Government has been discussing this issue of Pension  Scheme-1995 since 2006. Committees were constituted but nothing could materialize till date.  It is to be noted that not a single paisa has been increased since the year  2000 in spite of continuous increase in prices of all commodities.  Presently, some  pensioners are getting only  Rs. 12/- per month as pension due to the faulty formula.  Therefore BMS  and other Central Trade Unions demanded  for a  minimum pension of Rs. 3000/- p.m. linked  with  consumer price index. The Government’s Committee recommended for Interim Pension as Rs. 1000/-p.m.  Even this too has not been considered. So, there is strong resentment  among pensioners under EPS-1995 and the prospective pensions.
         Similarly,  Government Employees  recruited after 2004 are barred from the usual pension scheme benefits as available to the Government employees.  The  pension schemes for  Banking and LIC Employees are also in the same fate.  It is astonishing to note that MLAs, MPs and several others are drawing a minimum pension of Rs. 15,000/- pm  without contribution, but  the workers are denied  and deprived of legitimate pension even though contributing to pension fund.
            As such, resentment and discontentment is prevailing in the minds of all categories  of employees.  Therefore, BMS has decided to observe PENSION DAY on 1st August, 2012.  Dharna and demonstrations would be held on the DAY before all PF Offices and other working places of the employees.
              A meeting of all Central Trade Unions was held today, i.e., 11th July, 2012 at BMS Central Office.  It was felt  by all Unions that in spite of all trade Union-united- industrial strike on 28th February, 2012  the Government did not resolve any of the basic  issues of workers, i.e., providing  Minimum Wages of Rs. 10,000/- pm for all categories of workers, Social Security for all unorganized sector workers, regularizations of workmen working as contract workers  and  workers of Anganwadi, Mid-day Meal,  Asha Karmi etc. and enhancing their payment at par with regular employees, abolition of contract and casual, and outsourcing systems,  strict implementation of labour laws etc.  Therefore the Central Trade Unions resolved to launch Nationwide  several  agitational  programmes during 2012-13, covering the employees  from Panhcayat level to Parliament level.  A National Convention  on 4 September 2012  at New Delhi would mark the beginning the year long agitation.

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